Gerrit Rietveld : Wealth Of Sobriety
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ベストセラー『グラヒテンホイゼン』(2013年)で写真家としての腕前を発揮した写真家アルヤン・ブロンホルスト(1972年)は、未知のリートフェルトの家々を探しに行った。彼らのインテリアや居住者を撮影し、そのために渡米するなどしていた。リートフェルトの家は、光と空間が特徴です。緊縮はリートベルトが設計した時の基本原則の一つでした。シンプルさの贅沢」を扱えるのは限られた知的なクライアントだけで、リートフェルトに前衛的な家を注文した。著者のWillemijn ZwikstraとMarc van den Eerenbeemtはアーカイブを掘り下げ、リートフェルトの家に住むとはどのようなものかを住民に尋ねました。序文の中で、リートベルトの専門家であるアイダ・ファン・ジールは、「家は生活の背景に過ぎないというリートベルトの見解と完全に一致した、居住者を中心に据えた新しい本が出てくる時が来た」と書いています。
A huge monograph dedicated to Gerrit Rietveld, perhaps the most well-known Dutch architect. Besides his iconic Schröder House, very little is known about the roughly 100 houses Rietveld designed and built during his career. These houses are characterised by light and space, and sobriety is a basic principle in his approach. Only a small group of intellectual clients commissioned him to design an avant-garde residence.
Gerrit Rietveld (1888-1964) is perhaps Holland’s best-known architect. His Schröder House in Utrecht from 1924 has achieved iconic status. In fact, Rietveld built around 100 houses, and of these very little is known. Photographer Arjan Bronkhorst (b. 1972), who established his credentials in 2013 with the bestseller Grachtenhuizen/Amsterdam Canal Houses, went in search of these unknown Rietveld houses. He photographed their interiors and residents, travelling as far as the United States. Light and space are what characterise Rietveld’s houses. Sobriety is a basic principle in his designs. Only appreciated by a small group of intellectual clients who commissioned Rietveld to design an avant-garde house. Authors Willemijn Zwikstra and Marc van den Eerenbeemt explored the archives and interviewed current residents about living in a Rietveld house. As Rietveld expert Ida van Zijl notes in her introduction: ‘it is high time for a new publication: a book that puts the resident first, just as Rietveld thought a house as a setting for life.’
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